The Stoke Gifford branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL) launched its 2021/22 Poppy Appeal with a ceremony in the foyer of Bristol Parkway Station on Friday 29th October 2021.
Parkway Station is one of the main sites for the branch’s fundraising efforts, along with The Mall at Cribbs Causeway, Asda in Filton, Sainsbury’s in Stoke Gifford and the Willow Brook Centre in Bradley Stoke.
Money raised through the Poppy Appeal goes to the RBL’s Welfare Fund, which is used to give help and support to serving and ex-service personnel and their families.
If you or someone you know needs help from the RBL, please contact the national helpline on 0808 802 8080.

Festival of Remembrance
Filton Concert Brass will host a Festival of Remembrance concert at the St Michael’s Centre in Stoke Gifford on Saturday 13th November 2021, starting at 7pm.
The concert will feature the Bristol Military Wives Choir and Royal British Legion members.
The band will perform their entertainments programme as well as wartime music, and the concert will feature the Last Post ceremony with a Royal British Legion standard bearer.
Book tickets via Eventbrite (https://bit.ly/3ElWHux), or phone 07757 744116. Tickets will also be available to purchase on the door.
Remembrance Sunday
The Stoke Gifford branch of the Royal British legion will hold its annual Remembrance ceremony on Sunday 14th November 2021 at the cenotaph, North Road BS34 8PD [map]. Assemble at 10.15am for a 10.30am start.
More information: Stoke Gifford RBL on Facebook
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