The Journal has invited all candidates in the 2023 Parish Elections to submit a 250-word first-person profile.
Where none has yet been received we have in some cases used content from the Journal archives or from the candidate’s election leaflets, social media etc.
Central ward (6 seats)
David Addison (Labour)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish elections.
I’ve lived in Stoke Gifford since 2004 and worked here since 1999. In 2012, I became chair of the Stoke Gifford Trust, a charity managing the North Road playing field. Later in that year, I was co-opted onto the Parish Council. I’m currently finishing my second term as a Parish Councillor and would like the opportunities both to continue on the Parish Council and to represent Stoke Gifford on South Gloucestershire Council.
As a Parish councillor, I’ve chaired the Finance committee and helped to provide high quality services maintaining the green spaces and community facilities in the parish, whilst maintaining the precept at a reasonable level for local residents.
I would endeavour to continue this approach if elected, to South Gloucestershire council treating affordable housing and effective public transport as priorities.
Sue Bandcroft (Labour)

I have lived in Stoke Gifford for 23 years and what a lot has changed in that time! I trained as a nurse in the late 60’s and worked in many different roles in the NHS and local authority in London and Bristol.
Since ‘ retiring ‘ I have volunteered as a Move Maker at Southmead Hospital in the Emergency Department. I have always played an active role in my local community. I am Chair of the Friends of 40 Acres Group and a member of the WI, sing in Bradley Stoke Community Choir and in my spare time enjoy spending time with my grandchildren! I believe we all need to work together to build a healthy, happy, inclusive, and sustainable community where everyone can thrive and grow.
I was co-opted into the Parish Council in August 2021 and have been a member of the Planning and Transportation, Finance and General Purposes and Recreation and Leisure Committees. I have had a lead responsibility for developing Stoke Gifford Parish Nature Plan. Working together we can protect our parks and green spaces for everyone to enjoy, whilst encouraging wildlife and tackling climate change.
David Brunwin (Labour)

I have lived in Stoke Gifford for 7 years, moving here to be closer to our children and grandchildren who live in the Bristol area. I’m retired now, but my working life was spent mainly in the Voluntary/Third sector, initially working for the Citizens Advice Bureau service where I was Area Manager for the Yorkshire and Humberside Area for 20 years, before moving on to work with Older People, running the Leeds Older People’s forum.
Here in Stoke Gifford, I was one of the original members of the Friends of Meade Park group, participating in litter picking and nature walks, planting bluebells and primroses.
I keep fit playing tennis, and enjoy taking our grandchildren to the local tennis courts at The Trust Ground.
Immediately before we came to Stoke Gifford, we lived in Milton Keynes where I was an active member of a number of voluntary groups including Age Concern and the Community Relations Council. I was also a Parish Councillor and that experience would enable me to settle in quickly as a new parish councillor here, if I am elected.
I am keen to work hard to improve the quality of life in Stoke Gifford and ensure that all sections of the community have good quality services. Working collaboratively with others across the neighbourhood, I will endeavour to ensure that the Parish Council is focussed on providing good, cost-effective services and keeping the green spaces and community buildings of Stoke Gifford places for everyone to enjoy, ensuring that no group gets left behind.
Janet Brunwin (Labour)

I spent my working life in local government and then at the Open University. Now retired, I have lived in Stoke Gifford for 7 years.
I was a founder member of the Friends of Meade Park, and I’m a keen gardener. I would love to help residents here in Stoke Gifford to get involved in caring for our environment and if elected, I would support the development of community initiatives, including the protection of our natural resources and the further development of our green spaces. Perhaps we could have a community garden in Stoke Gifford, or more wildflower beds? I believe that the Climate Change Crisis needs to be front and centre of public policy and that the Parish Council should play its part in that effort.
I have always been committed to helping those who are in difficulties and would try to provide information and advice to all those needing help in Stoke Gifford. As the cost of living crisis affects more and more people, old and young, families and those living alone, we need local councillors who will support local services that can make a real difference to all our lives. During the pandemic Stoke Gifford residents really looked after each other. It was lovely to see, and I hope that if elected as a Parish Councillor I can encourage and support local groups to carry on working together on projects to benefit us all.
More Labour councillors on Stoke Gifford Parish Council could make a real difference. Please use your vote this May.
Neel Das Gupta (Conservative)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish elections.
I live in Fabian Drive in Stoke Gifford with my wife and 3 year old son.
I want to directly contribute in making Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke a better place to live, should the local residents give me an opportunity to represent them, by electing me as their District and Parish Councillor on 4th May 2023.
I am impassioned about serving the local residents of Stoke Gifford, by improving local schools, roads, transportation, infrastructure and parks.
I believe in contributing towards the welfare of the local community. For the past 6 years I have been voluntarily supporting and leading various non-profitable free events in Bristol promoting cultural cohesion and inclusivity.
I have worked in South Gloucestershire for 10 years. I have an Engineering Degree in Electronics and Masters in Business Administration & Leadership.
Tony Griffiths (Conservative)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish/town elections.
– No profile available for Stoke Gifford –
What we know: Home address in Bradley Stoke. Currently a member of Bradley Stoke Town Council (seeking re-election). Also standing for election to South Gloucestershire Council (Stoke Gifford ward).
See: Candidate profile for Bradley Stoke town election (BSJ)
Jacqueline Henshaw (Independent)
– No profile available –
What we know: Home address in Stoke Gifford. Currently a member of Stoke Gifford Parish Council.
Keiron Marsden (Labour)

After a long career in software engineering management within the electronics design, satellite communications and cybersecurity industries across our region, I’d like to give something back to my local community.
I’ve lived and worked in the South West since 1980, and Stoke Gifford has been home to me and my family for the last 23 years – our children were born and raised here, they went to school here, and our youngest is now studying at university here.
I walk my dog around our local streets and green spaces every day, and often chat with local residents about their concerns on issues affecting our community, from potholes to speeding, and local facilities to antisocial behaviour.
I would be tremendously proud if elected to serve as a Parish Councillor and will strive to listen to and represent all sections and areas of our community, keeping the Council focused on what matters to residents, providing good cost-effective services, and doing my best to help maintain and improve the quality of life here in Stoke Gifford.
🌐 Keiron Marsden’s blog | social media
Pauline Reich (Conservative)

Pauline moved to Stoke Gifford 38 years ago to run the Parkway Tavern (now Co-Op) and she has lived here ever since. Following her term as landlady of the Tavern Pauline worked for the NHS for over 20 years and since retiring enjoys many voluntary roles including working with the elderly and adults with physical and learning difficulties. Pauline is passionate about the local community and environment and has used her term as parish councillor to do her upmost to keep Stoke Gifford a great place to live and help the local people where and when she has been able.
Penny Richardson (Labour)

Stoke Gifford has been my home for 17 years. I currently work as an Adviser at the Frenchay Campus, UWE and before that was employed at St Michael’s Primary School. My son was a pupil there for 7 years and during this time I was active as both a parent helper and as a PTFA fundraising volunteer. I have been involved around the wider Bristol & South Gloucestershire community in litter picks & community clean-ups and as a volunteer fundraiser for the Bristol Animal Rescue Centre (BARC) since 2012.
Travel and pedestrian safety around Stoke Gifford are key concerns for me: I want to make sure that residents can walk, cycle and travel around the ward safely and ensure speed limits are adhered to in all areas. I believe strongly in keeping the environment at the forefront of all we do, to make sure we minimise our impact on the planet and maximise our green spaces for wildlife and plant life. I took an active role campaigning against the original planned Metro bus route along Hatchet Road, which involved the destruction of our hedgerows: I campaigned to raise awareness of the environmental damage this would have caused to our local area.
Stoke Gifford is a warm, caring and friendly community and if elected I commit to representing your views and making sure you are kept informed of the work the Parish Council does for you.
Please vote for Penny Richardson and Labour on Thursday 4th May 2023.
Jon Williams (Liberal Democrats)

Note: This candidate is standing in both the district and parish elections.
I am now retired after working for 41 years with Bristol City Council. My wife and I moved to Stoke Gifford from Bradley Stoke back in 2020. Both our daughters live locally and we have 2 grandchildren one goes to Baileys Court School and other goes to Busy Bees nursery.
I have had previous experience on both South Gloucestershire Council and Bradley Stoke Town Council so I know the ropes and how to get things done.
I also volunteer for the Police at Patchway Custody Suite where I go to talk to the detainees and make sure their welfare is being supported.
Too many times things happen in our area without anyone asking the residents if it’s a good idea. Under this council consultation and listening are forgotten words and so my colleagues and I will listen and consult with you in a meaningful way and respond to any communication to us within 5 days.
If I am elected at the forthcoming elections I will use my time to ensure that all parts of Stoke Gifford get their fair share of resources from the council particularly the new Sort It Centre we were promised 3 years ago, the proposed community building at Brookland Park, more road surfacing to prevent more damage to our vehicles and I will campaign for more reliable, affordable and greener buses for our area.