A mobile coffee bar in the form of a vintage horsebox is set to be stationed in Stoke Gifford’s Meade Park for four days each week during August (2022).
The ‘Deja Brew’ trailer will be located on the grass within the park, close to the small visitor car park that is accessed from Hatchet Road (see map below).
The news follows the granting of a static street trading consent to business owner Claire Falkinder by South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Licensing Sub-Committee on 30th June 2022.
The street trading licence allows the mobile coffee bar to trade between 9am and 3pm seven days a week, although the actual hours of operation may be different.
According to the licence application, the unit will sell coffee, teas, cakes, snacks, soft drinks, fruit and light snacks. Three tables and six chairs will be provided for the use of customers.
It is understood that the horsebox trailer will initially visit the park only on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Ahead of the planned regular attendances during August, the trailer will visit for just one day in July – on Wednesday 13th July 2022.

The street trading licence was granted despite objections being received from four local residents who expressed concerns over littering and waste disposal, the lack of toilet facilities, the potential for vandalism and the perception of the trailer being “out of keeping” with the rest of the park. The objectors also raised concerns relating to road safety and noise from the generator that the coffee bar would use.
Five letters of support were received. The supporters’ comments included the views that the business would be “community-focussed” and help make the park a “destination venue”. However, several supporters also expressed the view that toilet facilities should be provided and said the small car park should be extended.
Stoke Gifford Parish Council, which manages Meade Park, offered the use of the toilets at Little Stoke Community Hall (some 0.6 miles distant), which was deemed acceptable by the licensing committee. Asked if the coffee bar would need to temporarily close when the proprietor needed to take a toilet break, Ms Falkinder said this would not be necessary as she has family living close by who could look after the unit for short periods.
Councillors on the committee were told that there would be no impact on the capacity of the visitor car park as the horsebox trailer would be located on the far side of the five-bar metal gate (when viewed from Hatchet Road).
On the subject of litter, the applicant told the committee that bins would be provided and all waste would be “taken home” and recycled wherever possible. She also pledged to undertake litter patrols.

The parish council will charge Deja Brew a rent of £30 per day for an initial trial period this summer.
Parish clerk John Rendell told the Journal:
“Meade Park is an excellent facility where many local residents visit whether it be for a walk / dog walk, family gatherings, use of the outdoor gym equipment or the play area and tower facility. We feel that users who can now grab some refreshments whilst on site will find this to be a real bonus.”
More information and related links:
- Agenda and reports for the Licensing Sub-Committee meeting on 30th June 2022 (SGC)
- Deja Brew Coffee Horsebox on Facebook
- Location of Meade Park visitor car park (Google Maps)
First day
UPDATE added 13th July 2022.

The Deja Brew horsebox trailer duly arrived in Meade Park this morning (Wednesday 13th July 2022).
The proprietor says actual opening hours will be as per the street trading licence (9am-3pm).
In response to readers expressing the view that it would be nice for the facility to remain open until later in the afternoon, she told that Journal that she is unable to open beyond 3pm at present due to family commitments.