TRO published for proposed waiting restrictions on 40 roads in Stoke Gifford

Photo of double yellow lines on a road overlaid with the text 'STOKE GIFFORD: Review of waiting restrictions, Phase 4B'.

Plans to introduce new or amended waiting restrictions on sections of 40 residential roads in Stoke Gifford have reached the final stage of development with the publication of a traffic regulation order (TRO) or ‘statutory order’, for which consultation runs until 11th February 2023.

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) says the purpose of the proposed scheme, designated ‘Stoke Gifford, Phase 4B’, is to to “alleviate obstructive and inconsiderate parking … to improve safety and visibility for all road users and pedestrians.”

The scheme involves “introducing double yellow lines to improve access and visibility on roads that have been identified and converting existing advisory white keep clear lines to double yellow lines”.

Kitchen & Laundry Appliance Care.

Working up the proposals has taken the council more than three years, with the first public consultation, covering 44 roads, taking place in January 2020. A second round of public consultation then followed in May 2020 after additional requests for waiting restrictions had been received relating to eight of the roads included in the first consultation, along with one additional road.

In the final proposals detailed in the statutory order, Ratcliffe Drive stands out as the one receiving the greatest number of new lengths of double yellow lines, these being mostly on the corners of the many side road junctions – followed closely by Sandringham Road.

Road map showing waiting restrictions.
Proposed waiting restrictions in and around Ratcliffe Drive. Red: No waiting at any time; Blue: No waiting Mon-Fri 8am-9am & 3pm-4pm; Yellow: Time-limited waiting restriction. From consultation document ‘Plan – T429-669-19 4B Inset 4’.

It is also proposed to revise the ‘no return’ specified times for the existing ‘limited waiting’ bays in Hatchet Lane, North Road, Rock Lane and The Green, with this being extended from 30 minutes to one hour (applicable between 1pm and 2pm).

The full list of roads affected by the statutory order is:

  • Albany Gate
  • Balmoral Close
  • Barn Owl Way
  • Belmont Drive
  • Brins Close
  • Buckingham Drive
  • Cade Close
  • Cerimon Gate
  • Charbon Gate
  • Charles Avenue
  • Chevening Close
  • Constantine Avenue
  • Court Avenue
  • Dighton Gate
  • Dorcas Avenue
  • Elizabeth Crescent
  • Field Farm Close
  • Gadshill Drive
  • Gatesby Mead
  • Gloucester Close
  • Hatchet Lane
  • Hawthorn Way
  • Holyrood Close
  • Kent Close
  • Knightwood Road
  • Lancaster Close
  • Lysander Walk
  • Mead Road
  • Montague Close
  • North Road
  • Oxbarton
  • Parsons Avenue
  • Ratcliffe Drive
  • Richmond Avenue
  • Rock Lane
  • Sandringham Road
  • Seyton Walk
  • The Green
  • Touchstone Avenue
  • York Close

The feedback report on the first public consultation carried out in 2020 showed that 145 out of 212 (68 percent) of respondents expressed “support for the scheme as a whole”.

Full details of the draft TRO, including associated plans, may be viewed on a consultation page on the SGC website:

STOKE GIFFORD – VARIOUS ROADS (PHASE 4B) – Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting – STATUTORY NOTICE

The documents may also be viewed (during normal opening hours) at Patchway One Stop Shop.

The consultation period runs until 11th February 2023. Responses should be made via the online questionnaire on the consultation page or by letter as detailed in the Notice of Proposals document.

Any objections will be reported to SGC’s director of environment and community services for a decision on how to proceed.

Stoke Gifford and Little Stoke A-Z directory of trades and services.

No changes

Roads within the scope of the review for which no changes are proposed are:

  • Beaufort Crescent
  • Dumaine Avenue
  • Fabian Drive
  • Gatcombe Drive
  • Hatchet Road
  • Travers Walk

Related link

Frequently asked questions – Waiting Restrictions (SGC, July 2022) [PDF, 87kB]

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