Station Road closed for two weeks from Monday (13th January)

Photo of a road sign informing that Station Road will be closed for two weeks from Monday 13th January 2020.

A section of Station Road in Little Stoke, from its junction with Gipsy Patch Lane northwards, is to be closed for approximately two weeks from Monday (13th January).

The closure is required to enable Network Rail and its contractor Alun Griffiths Ltd to continue with the piling work which has been taking place at the railway bridge on Gipsy Patch Lane.

The Journal understands that Gipsy Patch Lane will remain fully open during this period, although some delays should be expected due to the occasional use of stop/go boards to control traffic flowing under the bridge.

All businesses on and near Station Road, including Patchway Station and the Sort It Centre, will be open as normal.

A diversion route for vehicles, to reach Station Road via Little Stoke Lane and Clay Lane, will be in operation and will be fully signposted throughout the junction closure.

Drivers are warned that access to businesses located at the southern end of Station Road will involve travelling under a bridge with a height restriction of 4.2 metres (near the Sort It Centre).

Pedestrians and cyclists will still be able to access Station Road directly from Gipsy Patch Lane during the closure.

The closure of Station Road was originally scheduled to start last Monday (6th January) but was postponed by the contractor. Public notice of the postponement only appeared on the project website two days later, on Wednesday 8th January.

A spokesperson for South Gloucestershire Council said:

“Whilst we are doing everything we can to minimise the impact of this work, we apologise for the inconvenience that the Station Road/Gipsy Patch Lane junction closure may cause and any effect on journey times.”

“Please note that dates and timeframes may be subject to further change depending on ground conditions or adverse weather.”

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