The children at Little Stoke Primary School have enjoyed a successful return following the reopening to all pupils on 8th March. It has been a busy return to school life across the phases at school. Staff at the school have been impressed by the learning that took place during lockdown and the amazing attitude with which the children have returned to school.

Headteacher Dan Ross reports:
“We are incredibly proud of all the children. As I was new to the school in January, it has been wonderful to see all the children and their families in person as they return to school. Attendance has been very strong since wider reopening and we are delighted that the children have come back to school and are living up to the high standards we hold at Little Stoke, both in their behaviour and their learning.”
In Year 1 and 2, pupils have enjoyed being able to participate in weekly forest school sessions, which have gone ahead come rain or shine (and sometimes both). The children have engaged with a range of activities in the amazing on-site forest and nature space the school has to offer.
In other school news, at the end of term 4, Year 3 celebrated the range of topic learning from across the weeks by engaging in a Roman-themed day. During the day, the children made laurel wreath headdresses, baked Roman bread, cracked codes using Roman numerals, tried some Roman food (with mixed opinions!), practised marching like Roman legionaries, staged a battle between the Romans and Celts and made a mosaic. A fantastic day was had by all!
As summer rapidly approaches, children from all classes have been busy planting flowers and vegetables in the school’s new growing garden (each class has their own bed for which they are responsible). The garden was organised by FoLS (Friends of Little Stoke Primary) and installed at the beginning of the academic year. The children can’t wait to harvest their produce later in the year!
This article originally appeared in the May 2021 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine (on page 29). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.