Co-operative store to open soon on Parkway Tavern site

Councillors inspect site of a proposed Co-operative store in Stoke Gifford.
Councillors inspect the site on 13th September.

A new Co-operative store looks set to open soon in Stoke Gifford after South Gloucestershire Council granted planning permission for external modifications to the former Parkway Tavern on Hatchet Road.

Work on internal changes to the former public house has been going on for some weeks, but this did not require planning permission, as a change of  use from Public House (Class A4) to Retail (Class A1) is classed as ‘permitted development’ under the Town and Country Planning Act.

Members of  Stoke Gifford Parish Council had expressed concerns over parking, access, delivery times and noise. Three local residents also made representations, with at least one questioning whether another convenience store is needed in the area.

A condition attached to the planning permission is that a  Service Vehicle Management Strategy be submitted by the applicant, the purpose of this being  “to ensure that conflict between large vehicles and the operation of the car park and store is controlled and planned in the interests of highway safety”.

No deliveries, with the exception of newspaper deliveries, are permitted between the hours of 8pm and 8am.

The new store is likely to open “in a few weeks”, according to an agent for the developers speaking at a site inspection meeting last month.

Three further planning applications, relating to signage, the installation of air conditioning units and the installation of an ATM (cash machine) are still pending a decision.

The Southern Co-operative has been advertising for staff (Team Leaders & Customer Service Assistants) at the new store since the end of August.

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  1. Just what is needed………. another convenience store. I am sure the residents of Stoke Gifford will make use of it. And with it being nearer to the station now than Tesco is they should be quids in from all those passengers who find the goods inside the station rather expensive.

  2. Would’ve preferred a pub to continue like a wetherspoons or maybe an Indian restaurant. But happy that the Co-Op are going to provide some local store competition to the Tesco Express in SG.
    Tesco havehad it all their own way here for too long. The Tesco express business model has increasingly become a ‘convenient’ way to fleece local people who just want to use the store for a few extras. Tesco’s pricing in Expressbstores is a rip off; prices have increased greatly in the SG store. Stock is ‘safe’ and boring. Bulk buying is ‘encouraged’ by pricing single items at a v high end.
    Co-Op convenience stores have more variety; hopefully it’ll be priced competitively. Competition and choice in our v immediate vicinity can only be a good thing for SG residents.

  3. I popped in this afternoon (more for a look/compare to Tesco Express than anything else). It’s a good size shop, but without doubt there were gaps in stock compared to the Winterbourne branch.

    I suppose it’s early days yet though.

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