Housebuilder Crest Nicholson has submitted its first ‘reserved matters’ (detailed) planning application for the East of Harry Stoke (EoHS) New Neighbourhood, where 2,000 homes are expected to be built over the next six years.
The application, for phase 1 of Crest’s land south of the railway line, relates to a parcel of land lying to the west of the Stoke Gifford By-Pass, immediately south of Hambrook Lane. When travelling south along the by-pass from Bradley Stoke, it is the area on the right just after the traffic lights at the Hambrook Lane crossroads.

Designated ‘Lower Hambrook’, the development will incorporate 144 homes, of which 111 will be ‘open market’ houses ranging in size from two to five bedrooms.
A further 26 properties, comprising apartments and two to four-bedroom houses will be available for ‘affordable rent’. The remaining seven two to three-bedroom houses/maisonettes will be offered with shared ownership.
Existing hedgerows and mature trees on the site will be retained and the ‘spine road’ through the development will be tree lined.

Building heights will generally be two storeys, stepping up to two-and-a-half and three-story gable-fronted dwellings along the by-pass frontage (see image above).
Dwellings with garages or on-plot parking to the side will be provided with an electric vehicle charging point.
Outline approval for the Crest land was granted in principle in October 2018, when the housebuilder said it hoped to be ‘on site’ by spring 2019, but delays in signing the associated S106 infrastructure agreement, finally achieved in March 2020, have put back the schedule.
The Journal understands that this parcel of land is being developed first as it is not crossed by either of the two high voltage overhead power lines which traverse the EoHS New Neighbourhood. These are currently in the process of being ‘undergrounded’ around the perimeter of the wider site.
Access will be from a new signalised junction on the by-pass, a short distance south of the Hambrook Lane crossroads. Once development of the area east of the by-pass comes forward this junction will become a crossroads, allowing east-west and west-east movement of traffic through this part of the EoHS New Neighbourhood
The Hambrook Lane junction with the by-pass will be modified to be ‘left-in and left-out only’ on the west side. There will be no access for motor vehicles to or from the east side.
Within the wider EoHS New Neighbourhood, a local centre will be built close to the junction of the by-pass with the A4174 and a community building and sports facilities will be provided on land east of the by-pass, close to the M32 motorway.
More information and related links:
- Planning application P20/17975/RM (SGC)
- Hi-res version of planning layout [1.5MB JPEG] (Dropbox)
This article originally appeared in the November/December 2020 issue of the Stoke Gifford Journal magazine (on pages 6 & 7). The magazine is delivered FREE, nine times a year, to over 5,000 homes in Stoke Gifford, Little Stoke and Harry Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.
Update: Revised documents submitted
Added 4th January 2021.
Over 50 revised plans and supporting documents, including a new version of the planning layout, were uploaded to the SGC planning portal on 23rd December 2020.
Update: Timeline of junction roadworks revealed
Added 4th January 2021.
The following entry has appeared on one.network:
B4426 Rosedown Drive, Stoke Gifford, South Gloucestershire
4th January to 22nd September [2021]
The proposed S278 highway works are to provide a new 4-way traffic signalised junction into the proposed development. As part of these highway works, widening of the existing SGTL will be required on the eastern side, installation of new highway drainage, diversions of existing utilities, new foul rising main to be installed to Parkway North Roundabout. Permanent closure of the existing Hambrook Lane crossing with the SGTL and revised route to be taken through the proposed development to the new… [text truncated]
Editor’s notes:
- SGTL = Stoke Gifford Transport Link, the previous formal name for the by-pass before it was given the name ‘Rosedown Drive’.
- The junction work already has permission granted as part of outline planning application PT16/4782/O which specified access arrangements.